
PRIA Värska PET villimis-pakendusliini väljastusvõimsuse suurendamise projekt 2022-2024

Projekti elluviimine ja seadmete paigaldus toimub etapiti perioodil 2022-2024. Projekti tulemusel kasutusele võetavad seadmed võimaldavad PET villimis-pakendusliini väljastusvõimuse suurenemise üle 10%. Samuti suureneb projekti läbi ka ettevõtte energiatõhusus. Näiteks PET puhuja elektitarbimine väheneb ca 30% ühiku kohta. 

Projekti elluviimist seadmete soetamisel toetab 30% ulatuses Eesti maaelu arengukava (MAK) 2014-2020 teotusmeede (PRIA).

Projekt, taotlustoimik nr 42202200009, kinnitatud toetuse piirmäär kokku kuni 271 491 EUR. Toetus väljastatakse projekti etapile, kui see on ära teostatud.

nterprise Estonia's Värska mineral water product development project EU60214

Within the framework of the project, the research institution Food and Fermentation Technology Development Center (TFTAK) carried out an applied research, as a result of which sports drinks based on Värska Originaal mineral water were developed. As a result of the project, the new Värska sports drinks based on natural mineral water will reach the market already in March 2021, when 2 products will be launched:

Värska Sport Isotonic sports drink - with added minerals, vitamins and real grapefruit juice - is perfect for any workout

Värska Sport BCAA - with added ammonia and sugar-free sports drink - is especially suitable for strength training

The project was supported by the Innovation Unit measure of Enterprise Estonia. The amount of support is 6000 EUR.

Enterprise Estonia Digidiagnostics project EU60215

The purpose of digital diagnostics is to assess the level of digitization and automation of the company, to map the related development sites and to offer specific solutions, as a result of which the company's awareness of digitization and automation solutions and the impact of the solutions on the company's economic indicators increases.

In summary of the project, it can be said that the automation of AS Värska Vesi (especially the equipment side) and also the digitalisation (especially IT, data interfaces) are at a good level. The project mapped out opportunities for further automation and digitization, as well as their relevance to the company. Now that the opportunities are clearly defined, the company can consider pursuing them in its investment plans for the coming years.

The project received support from Enterprise Estonia's Digital Diagnostics measure. The amount of the grant is EUR 14 998.

PRIA Värska process equipment and PET bottling-packaging line equipment project

The implementation of the project and installation of the equipment took place in stages in the period 2018-2021.

The new process equipment introduced as a result of the project will enable the production of new beverages. For example, the new line produces Värska Vurtsvasser drink (50% juice / 50% natural mineral water). Värska Vurtsvasser was recognized by the research company Nielsen in 2019 as the most successful new beverage product on the Estonian market. The new PET bottling-packaging line and new equipment for the PET production line implemented within the framework of the project increased the PET packaging production capacity of the plant by 30% and new packaging opportunities were added.

The implementation of projects for the purchase of equipment was 35% supported by the Estonian Rural Development Plan (MAK) 2014-2020 implementation measure (PRIA).

Project, application file No. 642216780031, total grant amount 502 918 EUR

Project, application file no. 42201800003, total amount of support EUR 253 832

Total project grants from PRIA: 756 750 EUR 

Enterprise Estonia Product Development Project EU48686 HEALTHY FOOD

During the period 01.07.2015–30.06.2017, with co-financing from the EU Regional Development Fund, an implementation study Science-based Water with Nutritively Balanced Modified Composition will be carried out, the general objective of which is to develop resource-efficient products containing concentrated nutrients by applying biotechnological solutions. Novel science-based health-supporting products with a balanced composition are being developed.

The project received support from Enterprise Estonia’s Technology Development Centres measure. The amount of the support is EUR 54,150.

Enterprise Estonia Product Development Project EU50716

During the period 01.09.2016-28.02.2017, with the co-financing of the EU Regional Development Fund the project Product Development on the Basis of Värska Mineral Water was carried out, which was intended to develop new healthy drinking products containing Värska mineral water that would serve to expand Värska's current product portfolio. By the end of the project, three recipes were developed, which also successfully passed consumer testing.

The project received support from Enterprise Estonia’s Development Unit measure. The amount of the support is EUR 19,210.80